EMWD approves groundwater basin interagency agreement with city of San Jacinto
The Eastern Municipal Water District approved an interagency agreement with the city of San Jacinto for the Mountain Avenue West Groundwater Replenishment Basins Project.A 5-0 EMWD board vote Wednesday, May 18, authorized Joe Mouawad, general manager of EMWD, or his designee to execute an amendment to the water district’s 2014 agreement with the city, authorized two payments to the city totaling $784,500, and appropriated an additional $790,000 to fund the payments and $5,500 of staff labor. The Environmental Impact Report for the project was certified in June 2018, and no new environmental documentation was required.The Mountain Avenue West Groundwater Replenishment Basins Project is part of the San Jacinto Valley Water Banking – Enhanced Recharge and Recovery Program which