Anza Electric crews respond to systemwide outage

FILE PHOTO: Anza Electric Cooperative crews respond to an outage affecting the utility’s entire service territory during the afternoon thunderstorm Wednesday, June 22. Anza Valley Outlook/Courtesy photo
ANZA – Anza Electric Cooperative crews responded to an outage affecting the utility’s entire service territory in the afternoon Wednesday, June 22.“Our field personnel were on scene within minutes of receipt of the report,” Kevin Short, general manager of AEC, said. “We were experiencing multiple lightning strikes across our entire service territory, as was Southern California Edison.”AEC lost their feed from SCE at approximately 4:11 p.m. June 22, during severe thunderstorm activity. Service was completely restored to the cooperative at 10:36 p.m. that evening.“We received word from SCE that they were being affected by severe weather conditions early in the outage,” Short said. “Later the following day, we learned that their line had been damaged by a lightni
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