Anza Days 2022 brings fun, friendship to mountain community

Kathy Blair performs the national anthem as the AxleBenders Off-Road Club SoCal members stack five patriotically decorated Jeeps as a backdrop at the Anza Days parade judges’ stand Saturday, July 2. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
The annual Anza Days festivities were once again a wonderfully entertaining, exciting, colorful and fun combination of events put on by local civic organizations and a great number of volunteers.Saturday morning at 8 a.m. sharp, the Thimble Club ladies took control in Minor Park next to the Little Red Schoolhouse, offering their fluffy pancakes accompanied by a scrambled egg casserole, sausage links, fruit cup, coffee and orange juice. Always a success, the charity event was a great start to the day’s activities.Early in the morning, floats and parade entries appeared on the Anza thoroughfares, heading for the staging and judging area on Barham Road.[gallery td_select_gallery_slide="slide" ids="65419,65421,65422,65423,65424,65425,65426,65427,65428,65429,65414,65415,65416,6541
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