Remember the holocaust; Stop Anti-Semitism urged in Murrieta talk

Murrieta Mayor Jonathan Ingram reminds those attending an anti-Semitism talk at Congregation B’nai Chaim in Murrieta Sunday, Sept, 11, to never to forget the Holocaust waged by the Nazis in World War II and terrorists attacking New York’s Twin Towers. Valley News/Tony Ault photo
Former Israeli paratrooper turned financial adviser Moti Gur from Los Angeles spoke on the importance of continuing to remind the younger generation and those in universities of the Nazi Holocaust that took nearly 6 million Jews in Europe, nearly 1.5 million of those were children, from 1930 to 1944 at Congregation B’nai Chaim in Murrieta, Sunday, Sept 11.As a special guest of Congregation B’nai Chaim, he explained why as a Jew who has personally seen terrorist bombings and killings, and warned that if people do not know or believe the Holocaust once happened and the hatred by neo-Nazis and Muslim jihadi terrorists swearing to kill all Jews and “infidels” or any of those who do not take Islam as their religion… “must die.”[gallery td_select_gallery_slide="slide" ids="
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