Costly Golden State

Marie Waldron
Marie Waldron. Valley News/Courtesy photo
As any Economics 101 student knows, when the federal government creates billions/trillions of dollars out of thin air, the result is massive inflation. That inflation has now reached a 40-year high, and those with low and moderate incomes are bearing the heaviest burden.Even so, Californians pay more. Compared to national averages, Californians pay a 46% premium for gasoline, which is approaching $7 a gallon, a 37.4% premium for diesel fuel, a 73% premium on residential electricity and nearly a 50% premium for natural gas. Forty-seven percent of all Californians and 61% of renters report that housing costs are a major strain. This month, homeowners with a $300,000, 30-year fixed loan and an average interest rate of 6.02% had a monthly payment of $1,803. Just last year, the average rate
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