How to have a blessed marriage, part 1 of 2

Lady contemplating her faith
When I was a teenager, I attended a wedding ceremony for one of my aunts. I had a hard time taking it seriously, considering the groom showed up wearing a tuxedo T-shirt. Some of my family members are just that classy.I remember thinking: “Is this guy for real?” Sadly, the marriage didn’t last long. I don’t believe the tuxedo T-shirt was the reason for its demise. But if I were to guess, it probably didn’t help.I think everyone who gets married wants their union to stand the test of time and be blessed by God. But how does one do that? How do you have a blessed marriage that walks in God’s favor till death do us part?Here are a few steps you can take to make your marriage all that it can be.Stop being selfish.OK, I know I’m coming out swinging here, but he
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