Biden administration supports using taxpayer dollars to fund sex-change operations on minors

Republican Illinois Rep. Mary Miller questioned Becerra during an April hearing about the administration’s position on taxpayer funding for sex-change operations on minors. Becerra equivocated at the time, telling the congresswoman that the administration “will continue to comply with the law and provide people with the protections they need to get the medical services they are entitled to.”

In written answers to Miller, however, Becerra was more direct. He cited the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care Version 8, which provides an outline for physicians performing sex-change operations on minors.

“The Biden-Harris Administration supports the upcoming release of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care Version 8 and believes that all children and adults should be afforded life-saving, medically necessary care. Payers, both public and private, should cover treatments which medical experts have determined to be medically necessary,” the secretary wrote, in answers obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller

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