Sancon given EVMWD manhole replacement and rehabilitation contract

Sancon Technologies Inc., has been awarded the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District contract to replace four EVMWD manholes with larger ones and to rehabilitate three additional EVMWD manholes.The Nov. 20 death of Phil Williams created a board vacancy when the EVMWD board voted 4-0 Nov. 22 to approve the contract with Sancon, whose headquarters office is in Huntington Beach. The contract with Sancon will be for $341,920. The total authorization of $367,586 also covers $23,956 for staff time and $1,710 for overhead.The Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District owns and maintains over 406 miles of sewer pipes, 9,276 manholes, 38 active lift stations and three water reclamation facilities. The district inspects and maintains the sewer system to ensure proper operations. During rout
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