AEC announces instant rebate on shade trees

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ANZA – As part of its Beneficial Electrification program, Anza Electric Cooperative Inc. teamed up with High Country Nursery to offer instant rebates to its members for the purchase of trees to provide shade, cooling and groundwater retention and save energy and money.

There are many benefits to shade trees, in addition to helping the environment, they can reduce ambient air temperature by as much as 10 degrees, clean the air, buffer noise, provide wildlife habitat, reduce the effects of climate change and so much more. When planted in the southwest part of a property, they can provide shade that can cool a house and reduce electricity use.

High Country Nursery has the following 5-gallon trees available at an instant rebate price, tax included: Raywood ash, Arizona ash, golden honeylocust, Shademaster honeylocust, red push pistache, sycamore and bloodwood.

High Country Nursery’s hours of operation are Monday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 34680 Bailiff Road in Anza or call them at 951-837-1905.

For more information, visit or call at 951-763-4333.

Submitted by Anza Electric Cooperative.

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