Re: 84% increase in excess mortality reported among millennials from 1/13/23 Valley News
I thoroughly enjoyed your column. I’m 78 years old and have a calculator. From the start of the pandemic, I checked the stats on the virus every week. It was apparent to me, from the start, that COVID-19 was just the flu plus 10%. The really old and the compromised were in danger and those who had taken care of themselves, like my wife, sister, and myself could take Ergo, quarantine them, not the rest of us!!! Shut down the economy? NEVER! I can’t believe Trump let that happen! From the beginning, it was apparent that young people were not in danger of dying. Ergo, don’t get them vaccinated! And then they inflated the deaths. As you said, there’s a big difference between dying “with COVID” and “from COVID.” Ergo, the risk of dying was minimal. In December of 2022, 29% of al