California Republicans call on governor to prevent summer gas price surge

Opinion section
Valley News - Opinion
SACRAMENTO – California Legislative Republicans delivered an urgent letter Tuesday, Feb. 21, to Gov. Gavin Newsom, calling on him to take action within his authority to avoid the anticipated surge in gas prices. California Legislative Republicans oppose what many are calling “Gavin’s New Gas Tax.â€â€œCalifornia families are frustrated with high gas prices,†Assemblymember Greg Wallis, R-Bermuda Dunes, said. “Delaying the switch to summer-blend fuel provides some much needed relief from the pocketbook pain we are experiencing at the pump in addition to soaring grocery store prices and utility bills.â€Last year, gas prices soared as high as $7 a gallon in some areas of the state, devastating family budgets and driving up the cost of living. Despite a dip from last summerâ
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