Murrieta City Council reviews second quarter fiscal year budget reports

The Murrieta City Council reviewed the 2022-2023 fiscal year’s second quarter budget update and approved the 2023 Legislative Platform at the Feb. 21 regular meeting at city hall.With all the council members present, Javier Carcamo, finance director, and Jennifer Terry, finance manager, presented the City of Murrieta’s General Fund Revenue adopted budget for the fiscal year that totaled $56,810,893 and amended upward at $59,521,400. The city received $28,116,846 of the projected revenue through Dec. 31, 2022 with additional revenues not expected until the end of this fiscal year. With the city expecting an additional $2,890,059, it puts the amended 2022-2023 fiscal year General Fund budget at $62,411,259, a $1,440,095 increase.Carcamo spoke to Council Member Ron Holliday, who q
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