Local woman to coach teachers at Malawi Africa school for orphans

Children at the Malawi, Africa school for orphans play with empty boxes after school supplies and books after taking a full year to arrive from the United States. Anza Valley Outlook/Courtesy photo
Lake Riverside Estates resident Raychel Hosch, an energetic and motivated speech-language pathologist, loves what she does. She has been in her field for over 25 years, and recently discovered that she is in a unique position to be able to assist a school for orphans in Malawi, Africa.“My best friend from grade school, Samantha Jewell, is a missionary to Malawi,” she said. “She moved there to run an orphanage in 2017 but the government shut down the orphanages just when she arrived. So she decided to start a school and feed all the children that now had nowhere else to turn except the streets for food.”In 2019, before the pandemic, Hosch and her husband Don were able to support the group by visiting Malawi, helping to start a preschool in a remote village. Jewell called the
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