Torrential late winter and early spring rain and snow have enhanced the annual wildflower bloom in the Anza Valley. Brilliant yellow, orange, blue and purple flowers dominate the landscape as Mother Nature swishes her colorful paintbrush among the fields and canyons.
Local winery owner Ed Wall and his wife Alice recently went on a hike in the gentle hills surrounding their vineyards and gardens, snapping pictures of the natural beauty that surrounded them. The Walls shared the colorful images with the Anza Valley Outlook.
Springing forth from March into May, these tiny spots of color coalesce into huge meadows of contrasting purple and yellow, forming patchworks of bright and vibrant tones all over the Anza Valley. The prevalent flowers forming the huge swaths of cheeriness are yellow Common Goldfields, golden poppies and purple Indian Paintbrush.
A favorite of Wall, the California poppy, is blooming in many local wildlands, roadsides, pastures and fields. The golden petals of the official state flower of California heralds springtime and mild weather to come.
Enjoy the floral shows while you can, before the hot winds of summer will fade them from sight.
Diane Sieker can be reached by email at