Letter to the editor

Opinion section
Valley News - Opinion
I have never voted for Sen. Dianne Feinstein. I have always found her brand of San Francisco liberalism to be very noxious. In past elections when Feinstein’s name appeared on the ballot next to another Democrat, due to California’s deeply flawed top-two voting process, I just left that ballot portion blank.However, I find these political machinations to be absolutely ghoulish. You can easily get a sense of all of the sociopathic politicians just licking their chops to get at this U.S. Senate seat. The U.S. Senate has had several senators who lived well into their 90s and one who lived to 100. I do not recall such political skullduggery for these elderly senators.Californians who voted for Feinstein knew who and what they were getting. Let those voters bear the ramifications of
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