‘Chili’ in two forms flavors these simple appetizers

Judith Bell Food Editor Recipes that stand the test of time are what I call “keepers.” Two “keepers” in our family are different and delicious. Interestingly they incorporate “chili” in two different forms. One recipe uses bottled chili sauce, another chili powder. When I consider our parties over the years, I can hear my husband Bob asking, “Are we having…” and he’d often name one or the other recipe shared with you today. Often as not, the answer was, “yes.” And, while most of the recipes I have can be given their origin in a story or experience, these are simply good recipes that came my way. I have no recollection of who might have given me the recipes nor how they were added to my culinary repertoire. All I can tell you is that they are good. Chili Chees
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