Judith Hunt, known to her friends as Judy, was born March 12, 1941, in Chicago, Illinois. She passed away on May 4, 2023, after a painful battle with cancer.
At the age of 11, Judy moved with her parents to California in 1952, where she lived for the rest of her life. Judy had four children by the time she was 26 and raised them as a single mother until she met Les Hunt in 1969. They married in 1972 and remained so until Les passed in 2021.
Judy loved dancing, meals at nice restaurants, playing cards, Bingo and the slots. She loved animals and flowers. She also loved drives along the California Coast and made several trips over the years.
Judy recognized her own attributes and faults and had a high level of self-awareness. This made it easier to be honest about what she was feeling or thinking.
She is survived by three of her four children, three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and friends and acquaintances who were touched by her.
And while her passing did finally bring her peace, it left us missing a piece of ourselves.