‘An Evening of Art’ shines a spotlight on students

The Hemet Valley Art Association’s scholarship winners are congratulated by Riverside County Supervisor Yxstian Gutierrez on May 20 at the Hemet Public Library. From left, Geneva Dagnev, Jarline Carvillo, Emely Nochez and Amelia Magallanes. Valley News/Diane A. Rhodes photo
The Hemet Valley Art Association’s long standing support for student artists was brought to the forefront at “An Evening of Art” at the Hemet Public Library, May 20. With the upstairs venue filled with art pieces from many of the 125 HVAA members and those created by high school students vying for scholarships, there was plenty to see. The variety of subjects from landscapes to portraits, and techniques from acrylics to watercolor, kept hundreds of guests engaged for the hours-long event.Riverside County Supervisor Yxstian Gutierrez was on hand to present each winning student with a certificate of recognition for their successful showing at the 16th annual HVAA event. The nonprofit organization’s community outreach project of supporting high school art students in the valley be
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