Sandia Fire West of Temecula at 7.6 acres

DE LUZ  - A brush fire that erupted today in the hills west of Temecula scorched roughly 7.6 acres and threatened homes, prompting evacuations. As of 3:30 pm all evacuations continue to stay in place, although the forward rate of spread has been stopped.The non-injury blaze was reported at 11:40 a.m. in the area of Sandia Creek Drive and El Prado Road, in the unincorporated community of De Luz, according to the Riverside County Fire Department. Engine and hand crews from the county, as well as personnel from Cal Fire in San Diego County, were sent to the location and encountered flames moving at a moderate rate through heavy vegetation. Two Cal Fire air tankers and two water-dropping helicopters were summoned to make runs on the brusher and went to work aiding crews in establishing
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