MWD approves Los Alamos Hills annexation

Los Alamos Hills is within the Murrieta city limits but not currently within the Eastern Municipal Water District or Metropolitan Water District of Southern California boundaries. A MWD board action Tuesday, July 11, approved the annexation of most of the area into MWD.This annexation covers 108.56 acres, although 11.81 acres are public roads, so only 96.75 acres will be subject to MWD’s annexation fee. Only property owners who desired the annexation are included, so 36 parcels are involved. Riverside County’s Local Agency Formation Commission must approve the annexation of the land into the EMWD and MWD territory, and the MWD action allows for an application to LAFCO.Los Alamos Hills is east of Interstate 215 and south of Clinton Keith Road. The area has 50 parcels. Privately
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