Community unites to bring accessibility and joy to wheelchair-bound child’s home

Cameron sits in the doorway of the bathroom in his home before the accessibility remodel. Valley News/Courtesy photo
MURRIETA - Community members came together on Aug. 24 and 25 to celebrate the transformation of a home becoming more accessible and accommodating for a young boy diagnosed with Spina Bifida. Cameron has faced numerous surgeries and mobility challenges. Now, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Mitchell Thorp Foundation, Beach City Builders Inc, 365 Connect, and Home Depot, his journey toward improved mobility and comfort is about to begin. Cameron's family turned to the Mitchell Thorp Foundation in 2022, seeking support for their son's unique needs. The foundation, renowned for its unwavering commitment to families navigating life-threatening illnesses, diseases, and disorders, swiftly embraced the challenge. The family's immediate requirement was a wheelchair lift, allowing Cameron
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