Thanks for the sandbags, now what can we do with them after the storm?

Now that the storm has passed, the Department of Public Works is offering ideas for what to do with leftover sandbags to San Diegans who used them to protect their homes and properties. Village News/Courtesy photo
Chuck Westerheide County of San Diego Communications Office Thousands of San Diegans and other Southern California residents fortified their homes and property with sandbags before the arrival of Tropical Cyclone Hilary. More than 100,000 bags were gathered and used across the county. But now the storm has passed and clear skies have returned. That has led many to ask, “What should I do with the sandbags now?” The experts at the County’s Department of Public Works offer some answers to the sandbags question: With rainy season approaching, consider keeping your sandbags for reuse. You could store them filled, or empty out the clean sand and store the bags away from sunlight in a covered, above-ground location. If the used sandbags are not contaminated with foul wate
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