Proposed socialization of electrical power in California

Opinion section
Valley News - Opinion
One bad news item as reported in the Village News was, “SDG&E is starting a fixed rate bill in January 2025 when every electrical provider in the state will be allowed to charge a fixed rate fee based upon each customer’s income.”It turns out that SDG&E’s proposal was in response to a certain unrelated 1,100 page bill in the state legislature upon which a rider was attached introducing this socialistic scheme. The bill with its rider was passed last year and signed by our governor. The California Public Utilities Commission, CPUC, has until July of next year to respond.  SDG&E appears to be anticipating its adoption.Over 500 letters have been sent to the CPUC opposing this item, (Document #R2207005.)You can read the letters and add yours if you wish by goin
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