Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library to host Teen Bad Art Night

TEMECULA – Any teens want to tap into their artistic side without any pressure? The Temecula library’s first program of the new year, Teen Bad Art Night, will be held Thursday, Jan. 11, from 4-5:30 p.m. at the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library, 30600 Pauba Road, in Temecula.Pipe cleaners, buttons and felt, oh my! An assortment of crafting materials and art supplies will be supplied for inspiration. The only thing holding attendees back is their own imagination.Sponsored by the Friends of the Temecula Libraries, this program is for those in grades 7-12 and is limited to 25 participants. Advance registration begins two weeks before scheduled programs and events. Register at the library reception desk or call 951-693-8900.For a full list of programs and offerings at th
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