Hemet Concert Association 50th anniversary Holiday Concert brings Hemet school band performances

Hemet High School Saxophone Group Director Dan Boulton tries to get the audience to clap and sing along with some favorite holiday songs played by his students. Valley News/Tony Ault photo
Hemet High School and private school music students joined with the Hemet Concert Association to celebrate their 50th Anniversary Holiday Concert at the Historic Hemet Theater Friday, Dec. 15, in Hemet.The historic theater at 216 E. Florida Ave. was completely full that evening for the Hemet Concert Association’s 50th anniversary fundraiser that included performances by six Hemet school bands, a silent auction, selfie photo station and a complete hors d’oeuvres selection provided by the Harvard St. Bakery and Cafe.The appetizer line was open to all the guests attending for their $10 admission ticket and all the students under the age of 24 that proved to be an outstanding treat with the student band performances. The newly refurbished theater seats were filled with the guests a
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