Temecula Library to host former Dodgers photographer for special presentation

Former Dodgers team photographer and author Rich Kee will present a special event, The Stories Behind The Images, Sunday, April 28.The free event kicks off at 2 p.m. at the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library, 30600 Pauba Road in Temecula and will feature Kee who was the Dodgers’ team photographer in the 70s and 80s.In his presentation, Kee exposes all aspects of the game, the triumphs, defeats and the human side of the game both on and off the field, while brief essays during the program give additional voice to Kee’s imagery, a news release on the event said.“A few select photographers can claim to have produced a collection of this significance,” the news release said.Kee was active with the team during what organizers said was a “remarkable era in Dodger
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