West Yost to help implement EVMWD salt and nutrient management plan
West Yost Associates will be assisting the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District in the implementation of the district’s Elsinore Groundwater Management Zone salt and nutrient management plan.The EVMWD board voted 5-0 April 25 to approve a $254,190 contract with West Yost. The Lake Forest office of the company whose corporate base is in Davis will provide field monitoring, groundwater and surface water monitoring, cooperative data collection, and annual reporting.In 2012 the ambient total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations of the Elsinore Groundwater Management Zone exceeded the TDS objective by 10 milligrams per liter (mg/l), so there was no longer assimilative capacity for total dissolved solids and there never had been assimilative capacity for nitrates. In order to adhe