
Pastor Zachary Elliott
Zachary Elliott, 2020
My morning routine typically goes as follows: the alarm rings at 5 a.m.; I brush my teeth and I head to the kitchen to take my vitamins, sometimes with food. I let the dog out while my green tea with lemon and ginger is brewing. I let the dog back in and head to my home office for prayer and devotions. I kiss and say good morning to my wife and make coffee. Then I work out, shower, kiss my wife again, feed my dog and head to work.These are my typical morning priorities. It’s what I get done first. Of course, I have way more important things in my life than what I’ve listed here. But if you look at the routines of your life, you will see a list of your priorities.What are your priorities? More importantly, what are the spiritual priorities in your life?It’s easy to get so
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