Connection to EMWD sewer allows for RWQCB rescission of Maurice Car’rie waste discharge order

In 2001 the Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted a waste discharge order for Maurice Car’rie Vineyard & Winery. The vineyard and winery is in the 34200 block of Rancho California Road, and the Eastern Municipal Water District now has sewer service to that area, so winery process wastewater is now discharged to the sewer system rather than to the land. The waste discharge requirements including reporting are thus unnecessary, and it was in the best interests both of the RWQCB and the winery ownership to rescind the waste discharge order. The waste discharge requirements were rescinded by a 5-0 RWQCB board vote Aug. 14, with Megan Blair absent. Skate Ranch, Inc., owned the winery when the waste discharge order was adopted in October 2001. The order established requirements for
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