Temecula Valley Rose Society dedicates new pollinator garden at Rose Haven Heritage Garden

The new Pollinator Garden includes native bird, butterfly, bee and bat habitats attracting these pollinators to the many SoCal native plant species that are showcased. Valley News/Courtesy photo
Goal of garden is to attract native bees, butterflies and bats benefiting gardens, farms, and vineyards throughout the Temecula Valley TEMECULA – The Temecula Valley Rose Society dedicated its new Rebecca Weersing Pollinator Garden at Rose Haven Heritage Garden on Sunday, Nov. 3. The goal of the Pollinator Garden, now open free to the public, is to utilize native plants that attract native pollinators benefiting gardens, farms, and vineyards throughout the Temecula Valley. The Pollinator Garden will strive for conservation and preservation of both plants and pollinators. The Pollinator Garden is the newest section to be developed at Rose Haven, with a global climate change message of caring for the earth by incorporating land-use practices known as permaculture, increasing habitat, imp
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