CAL FIRE’s UH-1H Super Huey helicopter 301: A vital asset in wildfire response
The low-pitched droning of a speeding helicopter can strike fear into the hearts of Anza Valley residents during California's year-round fire season. Instantly, they search the skies for smoke and check social media and emergency apps for alerts.When a local blaze ignites, CAL FIRE's expert Helitack crews often respond, frequently deploying Fire Attack Helicopter 301, one of the agency's UH-1H Super Hueys. Its vibrant red and white colors are unmistakable as it dips water from nearby sources, such as Lake Riverside Estates' 55-acre lake, to combat the flames.Manufactured by Bell Helicopters for the U.S. Army, these aircraft served from 1963 to 1975 in roles including troop and cargo transport and specialized operations.