How to cut energy costs this summer

Warm air and abundant sunshine often inspire a laid back feeling, but summer also can be hard on homeowners, particularly in regard to their monthly energy bills. Courtesy photo
TEMECULA – Summer is a season of rest and relaxation. Warm air and abundant sunshine often inspire a laid back feeling that lasts until the leaves begin to fall off the trees in early autumn. But summer also can be hard on homeowners, particularly in regard to their monthly energy bills.As summer heats up, energy bills may rise right along with the mercury in the backyard thermometer. Warmer temperatures outside compel many people to rely more and more on their air conditioners, leading to a spike in energy bills. Fortunately, there are ways to lower summertime energy bills without sacrificing comfort on hot days and nights.Upgrade a home’s insulation. People who own their homes can conduct an inspection of their homes’ insulation to see if it can be upgraded. Direct Energy,
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