Make a good plan a great plan

Lady contemplating her faith
Want to hear a great joke? I thought you would. Here it is: How do you make God laugh? Don’t know? You tell him your plans.OK, maybe it’s not that funny. But it does speak to a problem everyone has. They leave God out of their plans way too often.In fact it’s not uncommon for people to only include God in their lives when things get really bad and they’re in the middle of a crisis. They have a tendency to put God out of their minds when life is good. Then when the stuff hits the fan they ask God where he’s been.The truth is he never left. They did.I love what James, the little brother of Jesus, has to say about making our own plans. He said, “Look here, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do busine
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