Dynamic Fitness HPK: Fitness Tip of the Week – Get moving, avoid the holiday gain

This week’s Dynamic Fitness “Tip of the Week” comes from trainers Kevin Duenas and Brian Richardson, who want to promote movement through the holidays. JP Raineri photo
It’s the fall season. That means the temperature will cool off, and the holiday season is upon us. Studies show an increase in weight gain from October to December at 1.5 to 7 pounds for Americans. There’s a fix; get moving. Grab those shoes and go outside. No gym needed.Here is a simple guideline for walking, jogging and running for all experience levels:Beginners: Walk or jog 20 min and notate how far they were able to go. Every day try to get further until they can jog the entire time.Intermediate: Try interval training. Sprint for one-minute followed by a 2-3-minute jog or run, repeat interval until chosen time.Advanced: Try high intensity interval training, or HIIT. Run for a quarter mile, followed by an exercise for 30 seconds, then repeat for given time. During t
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