Kenyan man’s search for his father runs into church cover-up

NICOLE WINFIELD and RODNEY MUHUMUZA Associated Press SAMBURU, Kenya (AP) — When Sabina Losirkale went into labor, her sister Scolastica recalls, priests and religious sisters filled the delivery ward waiting to see the color of the baby's skin — and if their worst fears had come to pass. Scolastica and dozens of villagers peered in from behind the clinic fence, as well. A nun screamed. The boy was white — "a mzungu child," Scolastica said, using Kiswahili slang. "How will we cover up this shame?" the sisters fretted, she recalled. The shame that brought this baby into the world: An Italian missionary priest, her family alleges, impregnated this Kenyan girl when she was just 16. But the nuns need not have worried about the scandal spreading. The priest — who to this day deni
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