Head of FBI press office accepted baseball tickets from CNN and New York Times reporters, lied under oath

The Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters in Washington is seen July 11, 2018. Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times photo
Michael Kortan was the head of the FBI’s Office of Public Affairs until his retirement early last year. During his tenure, he accepted baseball tickets from reporters with CNN and The New York Times and lied about the gifts under oath, according to the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General.Kortan accepted three tickets from a CNN correspondent for Major League Baseball games in May and September 2016, the OIG determined. He also accepted a playoff game ticket from a New York Times reporter in October 2014.Investigators flagged Kortan’s communications with the CNN reporter as part of the inspector general’s review of the FBI and DOJ’s actions in advance of the 2016 election. The report found that multiple FBI employees accepted gifts from the media in violation
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