Junior cheerleaders perform at HHS Bobcat home football game

Zoe Costanza performs a cheer routine at the Hamilton High School football game Thursday, Sept. 26. Joanne Salazar photo
The Hemet Unified School District’s junior cheer squad took to the field with the Hamilton High School Bobcat cheerleaders at the football game Thursday, Sept. 26.The junior cheer presentation is a mentoring and fundraising program benefiting aspiring K-8 cheerleaders. The girls are guided by the Hamilton High School cheer squad in child-friendly routines to be performed at high school varsity football games.Selena Stafford, whose high school student has cheered with the program since elementary school, said, “We build a strong cheer team. My daughter looks forward to this each year.”Junior cheer is open to all local elementary schools, from Hemet Unified schools including Hamilton and Cottonwood
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