Anza Thimble Club holds November meeting

Diane Sieker photo
ANZA – The Anza Thimble Club held their monthly meeting Thursday, Nov. 7, at Cityreach Church in Anza.Lunch, featuring turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and pumpkin pie, was prepared for the club ladies by Laurie Knight, Linda Barnes, Clair Beach and Anna Cleveland.Annie Ashby informed the group that 80 lap robes were delivered to the veterans’ hospital, Nov. 13. Several members caravanned to the hospital. On the way home, the group stopped to purchase Christmas stockings for the Hamilton kindergartners. These stockings will be distributed at Hamilton School Dec. 19, following a workshop Nov. 21, at the Anza Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1873 to stuff the stockings.Anna Cleveland and Joan Kessman gave an update on Anza Career Builders. Th
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