Rattlesnakes wow kindergarteners

Classmate Evelyn Schmidt shares her rosy boa during a rattlesnake lesson presented to the Hamilton K-8 kindergarten classes. Diane Sieker photo
Johnathan Schmidt, local rattlesnake wrangler and educator, presented a lesson to the kindergarten classes at Hamilton K-8 Friday, Nov. 8.The school children were curious and excited to talk and learn about snakes, and Schmidt tailored his presentation especially for them, explaining how to act if they see a rattlesnake, what the snake can and can’t do, what the snakes eat, where they live and how to avoid the reptiles.Schmidt answered many questions about the animals he said he strives to protect. Building knowledge is one way to accomplish this goal, he said, as the more children know and understand, the better they can handle inevitable interactions with snakes.“What does a rattlesnake
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