Biggest US wage growth in decade for lowest-paid workers
‘In November, the U.S. unemployment rate fell back to 3.5%, the lowest in nearly a half-century,’ the Bureau of Labor Statistics says
The incomes of the bottom 25% of U.S. wage-earners are rising at the fastest rate of all groups of employees, according to data published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.The wages of the lower-most quartile grew by 4.5% in November from a year earlier, according to the Fed, while wages for the top 25% increased by 2.9% over the same period. The last time the wages of the bottom 25% of wage-earners grew at 4.5% was in August 2008, and before that, in October 2002.Dynamic wage growth among the lowest-earning cohort is indicative of an increasingly tightening labor market.The Atlanta Fed also found that the highest wage growth in Novembe