Jury selection begins for man charged with trying to snatch Lake Elsinore boys

RIVERSIDE (CNS) - Jury selection is slated to get underway Monday for the trial of a 30-year-old probationer accused of attempting to abduct two young boys at a park playground in Lake Elsinore. Marcus Joseph DeWitt of Lake Elsinore is charged with kidnapping to commit rape, attempted kidnapping to commit rape and committing lewd acts on a child for the alleged offenses at Rosetta Canyon Sports Park in the 44400 block of Ardenwood Way. Riverside County Superior Court Judge Bernard Schwartz heard pretrial motions in the case Friday and ordered multiple panels of prospective jurors to report to the Riverside Hall of Justice this morning for screening. According to sheriff's Sgt. Steve Fredericks, DeWitt entered the park about 11:30 a.m. last March 11 and walked into the playground, where
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