UCR researchers find motorists are being exposed to carcinogen in car seats

Commuters on northbound Interstate 15 between Rancho California and Winchester roads. Valley News/Will Fritz file photo
RIVERSIDE (CNS) - Motorists are being exposed to a cancer-causing chemical widely found in automobile seat foam, which could have harmful long- term health effects, according to findings released today by UC Riverside researchers.Their study found that less than a week of commuting resulted in an elevated exposure to a flame retardant known as TDCIPP or chlorinated tris, which is forced out of car seats over time and into the air.The chemical has been flagged by the state as a known carcinogen and was phased out of furniture use. Some studies have also linked it to infertility among women undergoing fertility treatments, the researchers said.Participants in the study included about 90 students, each of whom had round-trip commute times that varied from less than 15 minutes to m
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