Menifee solid waste collection agreement expanded to meet needs

Menifee city clerk Sarah Manwaring swears in police Lt. Denise Keith and Lt. Heriberto Gutierrez during the Wednesday, March 4, Menifee City Council meeting. Valley News/Courtesy photo
The Menifee City Council moved to renegotiate the city’s solid waste franchise agreement with the Waste Management company for another five years providing additional services to residents’ trash pickups.Waste Management and city staff have been working to renegotiate the current 15-year contract after it was determined the growing city needed additional waste management services.The renegotiated contract, discussed at the meeting Wednesday, March 4, will not result in rate increases for residents, the council said.The amendment, approved by the council with Councilmember Lesa Sobek absent due to illness, will result in $40,000,000 in general fund revenue over the term of the amendment, including the five-year extension, which is approximately $17,000,000 more revenue than
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