Veteran Showcase: Jeromy West is remembered by friends and family
Jeromy West is fondly remembered as a Hamilton High School football and wrestling star, best friend to many and the proud owner of a marvelous, mischievous sense of humor. During his senior year in 2004, West enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. A couple of weeks after graduation, he left for basic training.“I was scared,” his mother Lisa West-Klopf said. “I actually told his recruiter to leave him alone. He was only 17 and I wasn’t sure he knew what he was getting himself into.”Despite her objections, West said he really wanted to be a Marine, and she ended up signing the papers. Because he was 17, he required a parent’s signature to enlist.“We had been driving him down to the desert for spring ball,” West-Klopf said. “I was hoping he would change his mind and