Protesters criticize California’s coronavirus restrictions in Temecula

Protesters gather at the corner of the Temecula Duck Pond to rally for support of opening businesses and public spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic, May 2. Valley News/Shane Gibson photo
Jeff Pack Staff WriterFed up with what they consider to be governmental overreach and a crippled California economy caused by restrictions imposed on them by county and state leaders, more than 50 people gathered at the Temecula Duck Pond on Saturday, May 2 to express their dissatisfaction. “I think the government has overreached their bounds,” Matt Rowley, who was there with his son, Caleb, said. “They've gone way beyond what's reasonable and this is our way of saying, no, we won't take any more. I think people can be reasonable. We think people can do the right thing and we don't need the governmental babysitters. We can do what's right. “That's it. That's the main thing. Don't step on my liberties. This is what our country is founded on.”Most people in atten
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