Supervisors OK fast study to find vacant jobs that can be chopped

 PAUL YOUNG    City News Service RIVERSIDE (CNS) - The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday directed the Riverside County Executive Office to prepare a list of funded but vacant positions in every county agency to determine how many can be slashed from the rolls in light of looming budget woes. ``This is something that comes back over and over again,'' said Supervisor Jeff Hewitt, who proposed the review. ``We don't really know how a department is doing by the end of the year (in reducing costs tied to vacancies). Going forward, we need to keep it down to a small factor.'' On a 5-0 vote, the board directed the Executive Office to return with a working list by next week's meeting. Hewitt estimated there could be as many as 5,000 such designated but unfilled jobs within county government,
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