Murrieta Innovation Center looks to expand

Staff discusses the possibility of expanding the Murrieta Innovation Center at the special workshop Tuesday, Oct. 20. Valley News/Courtesy photo
At a special city council meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 20, Murrieta city staff hosted a workshop to present a potential grant opportunity for the Murrieta Innovation Center to expand.According to staff, the funding would allow the facility to reach its full potential.The purpose of the Murrieta Innovation Center is to create and foster a startup ecosystem that offers education, mentorship, business resources and access to capital that allows innovators and entrepreneurs every opportunity to be successful in their ventures, staff said.The Murrieta Innovation Center currently holds nine medical-technology-based businesses: Murrieta Genomics, GattaCo, Alliance Research Centers, Sandhill Crane Diagnostics, Trio Pharmaceuticals, TX Genetic Research, SimplSeq, NeyroblastGX LLC and their ne
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