Improve Wi-Fi signals around the house

When buying their own routers, consumers also can pick from a host of options, including routers with strong performance ratings that may contribute to better Wi-Fi performance. Valley News/Courtesy photo
TEMECULA – Speedy, reliable internet is something people have quickly grown accustomed to. That’s no doubt why dropped Wi-Fi signals can be so frustrating.Various things can contribute to slow or interrupted Wi-Fi. As a result, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to address underperforming Wi-Fi. But that’s good news, as it means there’s an assortment of strategies that consumers can try to improve the Wi-Fi in their homes.Upgrade your router.Many people rent their routers from their internet service providers, but it may surprise some to learn that they can buy their own. Buying your own router can be beneficial in various ways, not the least of which is it can save money. Router rental fees vary, but they typically cost between $10 and $15 per month. Consumers wil
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