Pinyon Pines man is convicted of molestation

Diane Sieker photo
Stanford James Stelle III, 42, was convicted Thursday, Dec. 17, of more than a dozen felony charges for molesting an underage relative for more than eight years in the San Jacinto Mountain community of Pinyon Pines.An Indio jury deliberated two days before finding Stelle guilty of six counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child, one count of committing sex acts on a child under 10 years old and three counts each of oral copulation on a minor and lewd acts on a child under 14 years by using force.The Pinyon Pines resident, who was arrested in 2015, sexually assaulted the girl from 2003, when she was 5 years old, until 2012, when she was 13, according to prosecutors.Riverside County Superior Court Judge Dale Wells scheduled a Feb. 26 sentencing hearing for Stelle, who faces a
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