House passes Equality Act, adding sexual orientation and gender identification as protections

Actor Laverne Cox discusses her life as a transgender woman in the film “It Gets Better,” which was shown during Hemet pride events recently. Valley News/Courtesy photo
Feb 25, 2021 3:25PM By KEVIN FREKING  WASHINGTON (AP) — The Democratic-led House passed a bill Thursday that would enshrine LGBTQ protections in the nation's labor and civil rights laws, a top priority of President Joe Biden, though the legislation faces an uphill battle in the Senate.The bill passed by a vote of 224-206 with three Republicans joining Democrats in voting yes.The Equality Act amends existing civil rights law to explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identification as protected characteristics. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, sports, public accommodations and other areas. Supporters say the law before the House on Thursday is long overdue and would ensure that every person is treated eq
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